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mutation hook for Suggesting a chain and connect to a wallet in one hook.


import { Bech32Address } from "@keplr-wallet/cosmos";
import { useSuggestChainAndConnect, WalletType } from "graz";

const OSMO = {
coinDenom: "osmo",
coinMinimalDenom: "uosmo",
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: "osmosis",
coinImageUrl: "",

const osmosisTestnet = {
rpc: "",
rest: "",
chainId: "osmo-test-4",
chainName: "Osmosis Testnet",
stakeCurrency: OSMO,
bip44: {
coinType: 118,
bech32Config: Bech32Address.defaultBech32Config("osmo"),
currencies: [OSMO],
feeCurrencies: [OSMO],
coinType: 118,

function App() {
const { suggestAndConnect } = useSuggestChainAndConnect();

function handleSuggestAndConnect() {
chainInfo: osmosisTestnet,
walletType: WalletType.KEPLR,

return (
<button onClick={handleSuggestAndConnect}>Suggest and Connect to Osmosis Testnet</button>


  • SuggestChainAndConnectArgs
    chainInfo: ChainInfo;
    walletType?: WalletType;
    gas?: {
    price: string;
    denom: string;
    rpcHeaders?: Dictionary;
    path?: string;

Hook Params

onError?: (error: unknown, data: ChainInfo) => void
onMutate?: (data: chainInfo) => void
onSuccess?: (data: {
account: Key;
walletType: WalletType;
chain: ChainInfo;
}) => void}


interface SuggestChainAndConnectArgs {
chainInfo: ChainInfo;
walletType?: WalletType;
autoReconnect?: boolean;

Return Value

error: unknown;
isLoading: boolean;
isSuccess: boolean;
isSupported: boolean;
status: "idle" | "error" | "loading" | "success";
suggestAndConnect: (args: SuggestChainAndConnectArgs) => void
suggestAndConnectAsync: (args: SuggestChainAndConnectArgs) =>
chain: ChainInfo;
account: Key;