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Hook to retrieve a TendermintClient.


Single Chain
import { useTendermintClient } from "graz";

function App() {
const { data: client, isFetching, refetch, ... } = useTendermintClient();

async function getAccountFromClient() {
return await client.getAccount("address")
Multi Chain
import { useTendermintClient } from "graz";

function App() {
const { data: client, isFetching, refetch, ... } = useTendermintClient({
chainId: ["cosmoshub-4", "sommelier-1"],
multiChain: true

async function getAccountFromClient() {
return await client["cosmoshub-4"].getAccount("address")

Hook Params

<TMultiChain extends boolean>{
type: "tm34" | "tm37";
chainId?: string | string[];
multiChain?: TMultiChain; // boolean

Return Value

data?: TMultiChain extends true ? Record<string, TendermintClient> : TendermintClient;
dataUpdatedAt: number;
error: TError | null;
errorUpdatedAt: number;
failureCount: number;
errorUpdateCount: number;
isError: boolean;
isFetched: boolean;
isFetchedAfterMount: boolean;
isFetching: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
isLoadingError: boolean;
isPaused: boolean;
isPlaceholderData: boolean;
isPreviousData: boolean;
isRefetchError: boolean;
isRefetching: boolean;
isStale: boolean;
isSuccess: boolean;
refetch:(options?: RefetchOptions & RefetchQueryFilters) => Promise<QueryObserverResult<TMultiChain extends true ? Record<string, TendermintClient> : TendermintClient;, unknown>>;
remove: () => void;
status: 'loading' | 'error' | 'success';
fetchStatus: 'fetching' | 'paused' | 'idle';